Implementation of the brand guidelines for Ascend Sportswear's forthcoming entrance into the retail marketplace was an exciting few months. Some trial and error were avoided by using consumer opinions through social media survey contest(s). The winners were chosen and were manufactured for Ascend's entrance into retail. It was overwhelming and exciting to see all the new designs that required so much time and effort.  
A series of posts were made on social media asking consumers about which design(s) they liked best. Feedback was provided after multiple contests and a series of different designs were decided upon to go to print. Below are the winners...
Various Options presented on survey posts received a lot of valuable feedback from the consumer. It was tough letting go of my personal favorites, but the consumer wants what the consumer wants.
Other winners of survey were included in design of other product lines such as bibs, casual wear, running wear, triathlon gear, etc. Brand ambassadors were hired to represent Ascend Sportswear on social media with a focus on cycling. 
Signature Artist Series: Blair Mcdaniel
I experimented with many concepts for an artist series. I had some great feedback and ended up turning a few into casual wear. 

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